Camground Rules and Regulations
Check in and Check out
Check-in time is 2 p.m.
Check-out is 11 a.m.
All campers and visitors must check-in at the office upon arrival, and check-out at the office when leaving.
Late check-out is $5/hour.
Speed Limit
The speed limit in the park is 15km/hr.
We welcome pets, but please make sure they are on a leash and that you clean up after them. Please do not take them into the washrooms, and please have dogs refrain from excessive barking. Pets are not allowed in the cabins and rentable RV's.
Quiet Time
Quiet time is between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m., please be respectful of others regarding loud music and behaviour. No unregistered guests after 10 p.m. Running generators are prohibited.
Propane Firepits are available for rent at $5 per night, delivered to your campsite - guests can use their own propane tank or rent tanks from the office. The rental rate for the tank will vary depending on usage.
Firewood bundles are available for sale at the office, during office hours for $10 per bundle (please note: bundles are not available during fire bans).
Garbage and Recycling
Garbage bins (big black round bins) and Bottle/Can only Recycle bins (white wooden bins) are located on the west & east sides of the shower house, and across from the office.
Washing your vehicle and RV
Please do not wash your vehicles and RV's in your campsites. There is a car wash in town that can accommodate this.